Red is your Friend...!!!


Dear Investor


Why are we talking about this TODAY?


The most important price breaks of your life...!!!


Believe it or Not...!!!


Simple, volatility will be high next couple of weeks in front of the elections, stimulus package approval and possible lockdowns due to the virus. All are short-term events, which means short-term market volatility.!


This is an excellent window of opportunity to acquire product on any price breaks.! Technically and fundamentally the precious metals market is very bullish.


Fundamentals are extremely positive, rising debt, rising QE, the potential of U.S. dollar weakness, and stock market nerves.!  Unless you already own all the product that you wish to own, get excited on all price breaks and most importantly buy your product...!!!

IMG cannot stress enough the long-term benefits of purchasing products on short-term weakness.!


This window is so important, you´re always told to take advantage of the price breaks. LET'S BE HONEST, many of you ( DON´T ) you tend to get excited as the price is rising sharply. The problem with this idea is that either you don't own it, or you own very little product. When you take appropriate action on price breaks, you obviously buying a product at a reduced price...!!!




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