U.S. Stimulus Package... Now or Later.?


Dear Investor


Today investors are focused on the possibility of a stimulus package agreement, some progress has been made, both parties making last effort before the elections.


Republicans said that they are willing to approve a 2.2 trillion dollar deal. More stimulus is coming, maybe now, maybe later, in the end, all this global printing of currencies will create worthless papers and the loss of trust in currencies around the world...!!!


As investors realize the impact on their currencies, a stampede towards gold will occur. This global crisis has no comparison historically, real and permanent monetary changes are coming, you have ample information to make your decisions.


Silver technical picture: A positive formation with a possible break from congestion pattern, with any fundamental compliment, the market could flag to higher prices rather quickly. Seasonal tendencies will soon offer investors additional motivation.!


IMG recommends building a strong silver position before next leg higher. In March when we initiated our recommendation silver was at $12.00 per ounce, it's possible that such a price may never be seen again...!!!


  Be Proactive...!!!

Sin título-Oct-20-2020-07-05-16-75-PM

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