Fed Game.


Fed Game.


Dear investor.


Is the inflation information published the truth...in other words, is 4% the real rate increase you see and feel reflected when you pay  your monthly expenses? 


Let´s go a little deeper, is your food bill up 4% or is it higher? What about your energy cost, 4%?...a numbers game, played by masters.


The formulas used for most statistics are far from what we experience in real life. How about the enormous contradictions as Fed members talk about future decisions with firm convictions. 


I thought the Fed needed to wait for actual data to determine their next move. What is going on? Data-driven or fortune teller...which is it? 


This game is so dangerous not to mention insulting. The Fed has convinced themselves that we are idiots, what they forget, is this little detail called history. 


Disneyland is a theme park, not an economic formula...with such a strong track record of being wrong, I guess some word games are in order. 


The markets are discounting a high percentage of the foolishness. 

Yes, at times we´re a tad slow, but we catch on sooner or later. 


Investors, we are walking a tightrope, endless unexpected events could unfold tomorrow, next week, or next month. Did a mention Black Swans?


Plan for an uncertain future, own precious metals, and use price breaks to continue building your holdings.


Expect, the Un-Expected.


Short-term: Headlines are your buying opportunities.


Long-term: Fundamentals are your guide.


Much success to all.  


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London - Singapore - United States

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Brinks - IDS - Loomis - The Perth Mint




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