33 Trillion...


33 Trillion...

Dear investor.


Not too long ago, IMG informed that credit card debt in the U.S. surpassed 1 trillion dollars. 


It is a new record, not a good record, but a record. Brace yourself; the government debt just went over 33 trillion dollars, impressive by any standard. 


The boys in Washington will soon be at it again...we will follow developments blow by blow.


Regarding the Fed, rates stayed put for now, however, overall the Fed is in a horrible position...banks are borrowing at the emergency window, mortgages are almost at a standstill, not the economic  picture desired. 


This brings some memories of 2008 to many of us.


Technically, any weakness in price heading into the end of the month should be an attractive entry point. 


The stage is set as a crosswind favors potentially higher pricing. It's not just at home; Europe and Asia are far from an ideal paradise. 


If you evaluate the probabilities, investors who do their homework most certainly, will find valid opportunities.


Short-term: Headlines are your buying opportunities.


Long-term: Fundamentals are your guide.


Much success to all.  


Depository relations:

London - Singapore - United States

Canada - Australia - China - Switzerland

Brinks - IDS - Loomis - The Perth Mint




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