Be Realistic, Stay Informed.


Be Realistic, Stay Informed.

Dear Investor.


Sometimes, you see information published that blows your mind. 


This week, a precious metals firm actually had the nerve to give a specific price and time for it happening, do understand, down to the exact dollar.


It worries me that people may think such nonsense is real, and furthermore, act based on this lack of respect for your intelligence. Hopefully, we all realize that the profit potential that any market may offer is just that, POTENTIAL.


Precious metals have a substantial historical record in protecting your purchasing power. Offer long-term peace of mind for the simple reason that as a means of exchange, the world has never seen anything that is comparable.


Be realistic, stay informed, and participate.


Short-term: Headlines are your buying opportunities.


Long-term: Fundamentals are your guide.


Much success to all.  


Depository relations:

London - Singapore - United States

Canada - Australia - China - Switzerland

Brinks - IDS - Loomis - The Perth Mint


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