Conflict And My Buddy.


Conflict And My Buddy

Dear Investor.


The world is in a tailspin, no matter what subject we discuss, it´s total insanity. 

The list is long, from actual existing conflicts to potential conflicts. Instead of making any progress, we edge closer to a broader war every day that passes

If you need further proof, Putin and Kim just signed a new agreement.

For mutual defense and protection against their enemies. Alarming.

Look for pictures of these two characters driving around in North Korea, exchanging turns at the wheel like high school Buddies.

Give a boost of confidence to an egomaniac, and that spells trouble.

Israel has a plan in place to attack Hezbollah. This could change everything.

Crossings into Lebanon have occurred many times since the beginning of the fight, but a full-scale war is a different story. As of this moment, negotiations are fiercely trying to prevent this from happening... but to use an old classic phrase, those guys are no band leaders.

Global separation of a fever pitch.

Short-term: Headlines are your buying opportunities.

Long-term: Fundamentals are your guide.

Much success to all.  


Depository relations:

London - Singapore - United States

Canada - Australia - China - Switzerland

Brinks - IDS - Loomis - The Perth Mint


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