How Delicate Is The Data.?


How Delicate Is The Data.?


Dear investor.


The markets are experiencing jitters; what will happen?


If the Fed, as stated recently, is going to cut rates, and we are entering a new cycle with multiple the economy in much worse shape.


What does the Fed see that we don´t see?


The Fed has access to information that we don´t  delicate is the data? 


The Fed does not go from neutral to full throttle on cuts just for the fun of it.

The fed´s plate is overflowing. 


Let´s IMG.


Short-term: Headlines are your buying opportunities.


Long-term: Fundamentals are your guide.


Much success to all.  


Depository relations:

London - Singapore - United States

Canada - Australia - China - Switzerland

Brinks - IDS - Loomis - The Perth Mint


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