Google Is Out of Control.

Precios arriba-Dec-04-2024-06-38-15-9971-PM

Google Is Out of Control.

Dear investor.


In the last two weeks, Google has rejected a couple of IMG videos...yes, rejected, for what? Political editorial.


If there is something that IMG does not engage in at would be politics...never in our entire history have we engaged in any political opinions or views?


Never touched on policies or any political analysis


It seems that mentioning Trump and the inauguration is forbidden...absolutely, nothing else was stated, just the name and the date of the inauguration...welcome to freedom of speech.


I needed to share with all of you this amazing experience, completely out-of-control madness.


Market-wise, prices are stuck within a tight range waiting for fresh news to dictate direction.


Short-term: Headlines are your buying opportunities.


Long-term: Fundamentals are your guide.


Much success to all.  


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